ASWS restores West London pub to ‘Showroom’ condition

The flexibility of Associated Steel Window Service (ASWS) as a fenestration specialist was ably demonstrated when it responded to a regular client’s call to help convert a derelict public house into a pristine marketing suite for a neighbouring residential development.

ASWS has carried out enablement services, as well as full steel window remediation contracts on behalf of Erith Contractors on a number of projects over recent years. Alongside the redevelopment of the The Whiteley on West London’s  Queensway, ASWS was asked to replace an array of timber windows and doors in just a three week timespan.  And rather than getting fit for a full house of revellers again, the brief was to ensure The Redan would be ready to turn the heads of prospective purchasers for the nearby luxury apartments.

The Contracts Director for ASWS, Kris Bennell, explains how the tight deadline was achieved, “We have great experience when replacement timber windows are required on a project, and this old pub actually contained quite a mix of different types, including traditional sash windows with weights, side hung casements, and a number of doors.  The first floor balcony doors were almost 3 metres tall by 2.2 metres wide and not in a salvageable state.”

“We also installed a very large, double glazed lantern light above the main stairwell to the building, which was quite a challenge. Unusually on projects like this we were asked to take on all of the lifting requirements – hiring in our own mini-crane and rigs – while taking responsibility for the safety matters and lifting plans.  We have often worked in tandem with Erith to enable their demolition or alterations of significant buildings, including in Fleet Street and at Olympia, and were delighted to assist in this very unusual and rapid turnaround.”

As well as dealing with the logistics and installing all the large and disparate frame types, the lantern light being fully painted and glazed offsite, increasing the care and accuracy needed when positioning it on the rooftop upstand. All of the doors and windows also had their mastic seals applied and their assorted locking systems set up.  

James Williams, Erith’s Project Manager on the job, commented, “Having worked closely with ASWS for nearly two years on the main Whiteleys redevelopment scheme, I could not recommend them enough. This led us to putting the company forward for the Redan Pub refurbishment. The team’s professionalism, knowledge and experience in the heritage sector is second to none – it was a no brainer for this unusual, short duration and bespoke scheme. Quality and speed do not often go hand in hand, however ASWS delivered fantastic results to the client’s elite standard within the programme demanded of them. The Redan was to be utilised by the Whiteley’s client team as a high-end office space for the duration of the main development of the historic shopping centre around the corner, and it was imperative Erith could rely on a trusted contractor to deliver the quality finish required. Kris and the team did exactly that and I look forward to working with him and everyone at ASWS in the future”.

As an acknowledged specialist in the restoration and replica replacement for steel, wrought iron, timber and aluminium windows of all ages, ASWS is frequently asked to carry out pre-contract surveys on behalf of the client’s consultants, while the subsequent drawings and documents are sometimes also used as part of the submissions to English Heritage or local planning officers.

ASWS is a long-established member of the Steel Window Association and well recognised expert in the repair of metal windows, from the earliest wrought iron examples through to contemporary curtain walling.  The family run business is frequently called upon to prepare condition surveys during the appraisal stages of a project, which then become part of the planning or listed building permission process.  The company also maintains a very large stock of ironmongery and metal frame components to assist in its restoration work.